
1 合同签署流程

1.1 当双方同意我方向贵方提供服务和/或交付物的条款时,我方将以书面形式记载该等条款(“订购单”)。

1.2 贵方签署订购单、完成在线注册表和点击“接受”或者类似同意(如适用)中的孰早者为贵方按照本条款从我方购买服务和/或交付物的要约(“要约”)。我方签署订购单、发送确认电子邮件或者根据订购单向贵方提供服务和/或交付物(包括任何必要的准备工作)构成对贵方要约的承诺(“承诺”),并由此创设了一份由订购单、本条款以及任何相关的模块条款构成的、具有约束力的合同(“合同”)。

1.3 除我方书面同意外,任何其他条款和条件(包括但不限于贵方自己的条款、预先在任何PO背面印制的条款或者该等隐含的条款)不得适用于合同

2 期限和终止

2.1 合同于订购单载明的起始日(“起始日”)起生效,至下列日期中的孰早者终止:

2.1.1 订购单中规定的特定终止日期(如有);

2.1.2 根据订购单的任何特定条款(如有)以通知的方式终止;或者

2.1.3 根据本条款终止。

2.2 除根据本条款终止合同外,任一方无权终止、延期、中止或者变更合同。

2.3 如果另一方严重违反或者一再违反合同条款,且(如果违反行为能够予以补救)未在收到要求对违反行为进行补救的书面通知后30日内对该等违反行为进行补救的,则一方可向另一方发送书面通知,立即终止合同。

2.4 如果另一方发生破产事件的,一方可立即终止合同

3 我方提供的服务和保证

3.1 我方保证:

3.1.1 我方将尽合理的技能和审慎义务提供服务和交付物;

3.1.2 服务和交付物将符合任何适用的行业标准;

3.1.3 服务和交付物将遵守任何适用的法律;

3.1.4 我方将符合或者超过订购单中规定的任何服务水平;以及

3.1.5 服务和交付物将符合订购单中规定的任何规格(“规格”)。

4 费用和支付

4.1 除作为合同的一部分以书面形式另有约定外,我方可提前全额就服务和交付物向贵方开具发票。

4.2 贵方必须按照以下日期支付各笔不存在争议的发票:

4.2.1 合同约定的日期;或者

4.2.2 如果未约定该等日期,则在发票开具日后的30日内。

4.3 贵方无权以我方欠贵方的任何款项抵销贵方欠我方的任何款项。

4.4 一方可就任何逾期付款另行收取利息。自付款原到期日起按日计收利息,直至实际支付逾期款项之日,利率等于每月1.0%和适用法律允许的最大利率中的孰低者。

4.5 对于我方在向贵方收取任何逾期付款中发生的任何合理费用和开支,贵方必须向我方予以赔偿。经贵方书面请求,我方将提供该等费用和/或开支的证据。

4.6 如果贵方拖欠我方任何款项,我方可在债务逾期之日起的14日后中止提供任何服务或任何交付物。

4.7 合同终止时,贵方拖欠我方的任何与合同相关的款项将立即到期。对于我方在向贵方收取逾期款项过程中发生的任何费用,我方可向贵方索偿。

4.8 除作为合同的一部分以书面形式明确约定外,贵方就合同应付的款项均不含增值税、销售税、使用税以及任何类似的税收。如果贵方未支付该等税款,贵方将负责向相关政府机关支付。我方保留随时向贵方收取税款以及我方合理的收取费用的权利,但任何基于我方净收入的税收除外。在某些司法管辖区域内,可能需要我方就贵方购买服务和交付物收取和缴付消费税。任何该等税款将加到费用上,并体现在贵方的发票上。

4.9 自起始日起一年届满后,我方有权自动增加任何费用,增幅不超过(i) 上一年适用的物价指数中的增长率加5%和(ii) 法律允许的最大金额中的孰低者,但合同期内每年增加不超过一次。

5 纳入网站条款


6 知识产权

6.1 我方提供的任何事物中的一切知识产权均属于我方的财产或第三方许可人的财产,不会因合同而转让给贵方。

6.2 我方授予贵方在世界范围内的不可转让、非排他、不可让与、可撤销、免许可费的有限许可(但不含分许可的权利),在合同期限内为贵方自身的内部目的获取和使用服务和交付物。

6.3 本条款中未明示授予的任何权利均由我方保留。如果贵方获得了任何飞未财产的任何权利、所有权或者权益(除与该等有限许可相关的权利、所有权或者权益相关的以外),贵方在此将所有该等权利、所有权和权益转让并让渡给我方。

6.4 我方确认,顾客资料是贵方的财产,贵方拥有该等资料中的所有知识产权。

6.5 贵方同意,我方(包括我方的关联方)可自由使用我方知晓、获得或者取得的任何与合同履行相关的数据(包括顾客资料),以便提高我方服务和交付物的质量。

6.6 对于第三方向贵方做出或者提起的索赔、要求、诉讼或者程序,主张交付物侵犯第三方的知识产权(“索赔”),导致贵方发生的任何相关损失、损害或者合理的费用的,我方将就该等损失、损害或者合理的费用向贵方予以赔偿;但是,如果声称的侵权是因以下原因产生的,则我方将不承担任何向贵方进行赔偿的责任:(i)按照贵方特定的书面指示对交付物做出的变更;(ii)在已通知贵方使用新版本或者经修正后的版本对避免侵权是必要的情况下,贵方未使用我方提供的交付物的新版本或者经修正后的版本;(iii)未经我方书面同意,贵方或代表贵方的任何第三方修改交付物,但合同有明确规定的除外;或者(iv)将交付物与除合同规定以外的系统、资料或者软件相结合。

6.7 贵方必须:

6.7.1 立即就索赔向我方发送书面通知(但如果贵方未通知的,不会减损我方在本条款项下的赔偿义务,但当且仅当我方因此受到损害的除外);

6.7.2 给予我方对索赔进行抗辩和和解的全部控制权(但是:(a)贵方可自费参与抗辩以及(b)除非我方无条件地免除贵方与该索赔相关的全部责任,否则我方不得就任何索赔进行和解或者抗辩);以及

6.7.3 向我方提供与索赔相关的一切合理协助,费用由我方承担。

6.8 如果我方认为索赔可能妨碍贵方接收或者使用全部或者任何部分相关服务或者交付物的,我方可:

6.8.1 促成贵方获得继续使用相关服务和交付物的权利;

6.8.2 替换或者修改交付物,以使其不具有侵权性(视情况而定);或者

6.8.3 书面通知贵方后立即终止相关交付物,并向贵方退还任何与该等被取消的交付物相关的预付款。

6.9 对于第三方向我方做出或者提起的索赔,声称任何顾客资料侵犯该第三方知识产权,导致我方发生任何相关的损失、损害或者合理的费用,贵方应就该等损失、损害或者合理的费用向我方予以赔偿。我方必须

6.9.1 及时就该索赔向贵方发送书面通知(但如果我方未通知的,不会减损贵方在本条款项下的赔偿义务,但当且仅当贵方因此受到损害的除外);

6.9.2 给予贵方对索赔进行抗辩和和解的全部控制权(但是:(a)我方可自费参与抗辩以及(b)除非贵方无条件地免除我方与该索赔相关的全部责任,否则贵方不得就任何索赔进行和解或者抗辩);以及

6.9.3 向贵方提供与索赔相关的一切合理协助,费用由贵方承担。

7 交付和贵方使我方能够履行的义务

7.1 贵方必须向我方提供我方不时要求提供的:

7.1.1 进入经营场所和设施的权限:以及

7.1.2 信息、指令和资料


7.2 贵方同意,如果贵方导致我方未履行或者迟延履行合同项下的任何义务的,则我方并没有违反行为,也对任何相关的损失向贵方不承担任何责任。

8 保险


9 遵守适用法律,包括与数据隐私相关的适用法律


10 反贿赂和制裁

10.1 各方保证:

10.1.1 其将遵守所有与反贿赂和反腐败相关的适用法律、条例和法规;

10.1.2 其将实施、遵守和维持适当的行为准则和反贿赂和反腐败政策,以履行其在此方面的法定责任;以及

10.1.3 其将及时通知另一方与合同相关的任何非正当的财务请求或要求,或者贵方或代表贵方收到的任何类型的其他好处。

10.2 我方是大型公司集团的一部分,集团承诺依法交易并遵守所有的法律,包括欧盟和美国政府施加的贸易制裁。我方实施的是集团制裁政策,这意味着我方无法接收来自于总部或居住地在受欧盟或美国政府制裁的国家或组织,或者与该等国家或组织有关联的人士或组织的对价。我方可因任何原因拒绝接受来自于该等人士或组织的要约,或者向任何该等人士或组织提供服务和交付物。

10.3 任一方违反该等反贿赂和制裁规定的,将构成对合同的重大违反。

11 终止的后果

11.1 任一方终止合同的,不会影响双方之间任何其他合同的履行。

11.2 合同或者其任何部分终止或失效的,不会影响明示或默示意图在终止后继续有效的合同的任何规定或者相关组成部分继续有效。

12 责任

12.1 合同的任何规定不得被解释为排除或者限制一方对其自身或者其员工或分包商的过失或者上述任何人士的欺诈性虚假陈述所造成的死亡或人身伤害的责任,或者依法不能排除或限制的任何其他责任或贵方违反任何模块中的使用限制的责任。

12.2 受限于上述规定:

12.2.1 对于因合同引起的或者与合同相关的下列任何类型的损失、损害或者开支,任一方不因该合同或者就该合同向另一方承担任何责任:

(a) 后果性的;

(b) 间接的;

(c) 特殊的;

(d) 损失的利润*;

(e) 损失的收入*;

(f) 损失的销售*;

(g) 预期节余;以及

(h) 因数据丢失而产生的损失、损害或开支;


12.2.2 除第6条中关于本合同项下知识产权的任何赔偿责任外,各方因合同引起的或者与合同相关的对另一方的全部责任仅限于按合同规定所支付或应支付价款的两倍;以及

12.2.3 对于因一方或者其分包商合理控制以外的任何事件造成该方未履行或者迟延履行合同项下义务的,则该方对该等未履行或者迟延履行向另一方不承担任何责任。

12.3 贵方无权依据本条款中规定的责任排除减轻贵方应向我方付款的责任。

12.4 各方确认,在签署合同时,除合同明确规定的以外,其未依赖于任何人士的声明、陈述、保证、理解、允诺或担保(无论是过失还是无意做出的),亦就该等声明、陈述、保证、理解、允诺或担保不享有任何救济。

13 保密和数据保护

13.1 各方将确保:

13.1.1 其对保密信息保密,不会向任何第三方披露保密信息;以及

13.1.2 除本条款另行允许外,仅就合同使用保密信息。

13.2 上文第13.1条中的承诺不适用于属于下列情形的保密信息:

13.2.1 在起始日之前公开可获得的,或者后续成为公开可获得且不会违反合同的信息;

13.2.2 一方已知晓或者第三方后续在无法律限制的前提下合法披露给一方的信息;或者

13.2.3 一方在未使用或者依赖于合同项下收到之保密信息的前提下独立开发的信息。

13.3 一方可在下列情形下披露保密信息:

13.3.1 向其关联方、代理人、承包商和供应商披露,但前提是:(a)该等第三方已签署法律义务不低于本条款的保密协议;以及(b)向该等第三方披露保密信息的一方确保并负责相关第三方遵守本条款;以及

13.3.2 在适用法律要求的情形和范围内进行披露,但应当就该要求向原披露方及时发送书面通知(前提是该等通知合法)。

13.4 一方或其关联方披露的所有保密信息仍属于披露方的财产。各方必须在另一方提出书面请求后的三十(30)日内返还或者(在另一方明确指示的情况下)销毁仍处于其自身或者其关联方占有或控制之下的所收到的保密信息。在作为安全持有之保密记录的一部分且仅拟用于确定和/或遵守法律义务所需的有限范围内的保密信息可予以保留(包括该等记录的安全电子备份,可在丢失或损坏的情况下替代允许的记录)。

13.5 双方将遵守英国《数据保护法》项下向独立数据控制者施加的所有义务,包括及时通知任何潜在或者实际违反该等义务的行为。双方将始终采取适当的技术和组织措施保护另一方作为服务一部分的个人数据,防止遭受损失或者未经授权的使用或访问。本第13.5条中使用的缩写术语具有届时有效的英国《数据保护法》中规定的含义。

14 通用条款

14.1 本合同的条款和规定仅为本合同当事各方及其各自的承继人和允许的受让人之利益,双方无意向任何其他人士授予第三方受益权。

14.2 构成合同的文件(以及其中提及的或者在其项下要求签署的任何文件)包含双方就合同的标的所达成的完整协议和理解,替代先前就合同的标的所达成的所有协议、理解或安排(书面和口头的)。

14.3 如果订购单、模块条款与本条款之间,以及上述文件与合同中提及的文件之间存在任何冲突或不一致的,按上文列明的文件顺序确定作准文件。

14.4 贵方陈述和保证,签署本合同的人士享有使贵方受本条款约束的权限。贵方将要求获取服务或者交付物的任何员工、承包商或者代理人遵守合同的相关条款。

14.5 合同项下要求发送的通知将通过电子邮件发送至相关方在订购单中载明的地址或者为此目的另行书面约定的地址。通过电子邮件发送的通知自传输时起三小时后视为有效送达。

14.6 双方确认并同意,双方之间的通讯可以是电子形式的,任何通过电子形式发送的通讯均符合以书面形式进行该等通讯的法律或者合同要求。

14.7 如果我方向贵方合理提前书面通知,则可将我方在合同项下的任何权利之利益转让、分许可或者以其他方式让与给任何关联方。我方可在不通知的情况下将我方履行合同项下的义务分包给我方的任何关联方。这不会影响我方履行义务,也不会影响我方向贵方承担的与合同相关的责任。我方将对任何该等分包商违反我方在本条款项下之义务的行为承担责任。除此之外,未经另一方事先书面同意,任一方不得将其在合同项下的权利或义务转让、分许可、分包或者以其他方式让与给任何第三方。

14.8 如果合同的任何规定被认定为无效或者不可执行的,该部分将按照符合适用法律的方式进行解释,以尽可能地接近体现双方的原始意图,合同的其余部分将维持有效和可执行。

14.9 任何对合同英文版本的翻译均仅为便利之目的提供,不具有法律约束力。如果英文版本和任何翻译文本存在任何冲突的,以英文版本为准。

14.10 如果本条款使用“包括”一词,则为列举式的,不具有限制性。

14.11 合同不会在双方之间创设、亦不会被解释为在双方之间创设任何合伙或者代理关系。

14.12 各方将遵守所有适用法律以及适用于合同的政府规章。

14.13 合同的任何规定均未要求任一方实施或者不实施任何违反适用法律或者政府规章的行为。

15 法律和管辖权;放弃陪审团审理

15.1 如果签署合同的飞未实体(见订购单中指明的实体)系Flywheel Europe – APAC的成员,除本条款下文第15.3条另有规定外:

15.1.1 合同将适用英格兰和威尔士的法律,并据其进行解释;以及

15.1.2 英格兰和威尔士的法院对双方因本合同引起的或者与本合同相关的全部争议享有专属管辖权,双方在此接受该等法院的属人管辖,并放弃对法院地的任何异议。

15.2 如果签署合同的飞未实体(见订购单中指明的实体)系Flywheel Americas的成员:

15.2.1 合同将适用纽约州的法律,并据其进行解释,但不包括其冲突法规则;

15.2.2 位于纽约州纽约市曼哈顿区的州和联邦法院对双方因合同引起的或者与合同相关的全部争议享有专属管辖权,双方在此接受该等法院的属人管辖,并放弃对法院地的任何异议;以及

15.2.3 在法律允许的最大范围内,本条款各方在此放弃其在任何因合同引起的或者与合同相关的争议、诉讼或者程序中享有的陪审团审理的权利。

15.3 如果签署合同的飞未实体(见订购单中列明的实体)注册在中华人民共和国,且贵方亦注册在中华人民共和国:

15.3.1 合同将适用中华人民共和国的法律;以及

15.3.2 任何因合同引起的或者与合同相关的争议均应当提交至上海国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁,并最终由仲裁解决。

15.4 本法律和管辖权选择条款并不妨碍任一方在任何适当的司法管辖区域内就知识产权侵权寻求禁令救济。


16 电子服务模块


16.1 受限于根据本条款提前终止的情形,合同将在订购单中规定的初始期间(“初始期”)内持续有效。 除非一方至少提前90天书面通知另一方其无意续期,否则合同将在初始期届满、以及后续每次期间届满时自动延长相当于初始期的期间。此处规定不影响按照本条款提前终止。

16.2 贵方对服务的访问和使用限于贵方的雇员和个人承包商(即自然人)(合称为“使用人”),且仅可为贵方内部业务运营之目的而进行。贵方不得指定其他个人(包括贵方关联方之雇员和个人承包商)为使用人。贵方同意,不得许可任何第三方访问服务,除非于我方另行提供的第三方访问协议中有明确授权。我方将会向可接受的使用人提供用户名及个人密码以授权其使用服务。每一个用户名和密码的访问权均是唯一的。使用人应对密码进行保密,不得与任何其他人共享、或允许其他人访问服务。如任何使用人不再为贵方雇员或全职承包商,或无论因何种原因而不得再访问服务,贵方须立即通知我方,该等使用人的用户名和密码将会失效。贵方有义务确保使用人遵守本合同约定,且接受贵方使用人作为或不作为所产生的义务和责任。

16.3 合同生效后,贵方的电子服务可能需要一段设置期间,在该等期间内贵方可能将无法访问、或有限地访问服务。设置期间的时长将基于贵方要求的定制服务以及贵方对任何顾客资料的交付而有所不同。

16.4 我方对服务和交付物的可依赖性、可用性、及时性、适用性、准确性和完整性、以及贵方通过使用服务和交付物而所能获得的结果不作任何陈述、保证。

16.5 我方不对以下事项作陈述或保证:

a) 对服务或交付物的操作、使用将是及时的、不间断的以及无差错的;

b) 服务或交付物的质量将达到贵方的要求;或

c) 服务或交付物与第三方服务、技术、硬件、软件、系统或数据结合后将正常运行。

16.6 贵方知晓服务和交付物将受到因使用电子通讯设施而产生的限制、延迟、信息的遗失或破坏以及其他固有的问题。

16.7 除另有明确约定外,服务和交付物将按现状提供。贵方应全权负责确保服务和交付物的恰当性、符合贵方需求以及订购单所载假设条件(如有)的准确性。

16.8 贵方同意,服务和交付物均非我方提供的建议或推荐,贵方不得依赖于服务和交付物进行决策。

16.9 我方有权不时做出以下行为:

a) 未经通知,为紧急维修、维护或改善之目的暂停全部或部分服务或交付物;

b) 经通告并就暂停提供合理通知,为预定的支持和维护之目的暂定全部或部分服务或交付物;

c) 如我方认为贵方已违反合同,未经通知,暂停全部或部分服务或交付物;

d) 为操作或其他原因而变更规格,前提是该等变更不会对服务或交付物的操作产生重大损害。

16.10 我方保留在任何时候以及不时对服务或交付物、或其任何部分或特征进行暂时或永久修改的权利。贵方同意,如该等对服务或交付物的修改未对其操作产生重大损害,我方无须就此修改向贵方或任何第三方承担责任。

16.11 除另有明确约定且在不限制贵方于合同其它方面义务的前提下,贵方不得向任何第三方披露、提供、转售或使其通过其它方式获得服务或交付物,该等第三方包括(但不限于)任何零售商、数据提供方、或生产商,除非经我方另行签署书面协议作出明确授权。贵方进一步同意,贵方不得直接或间接(i) 进行反向工程、反编译、拆解或以其它方式企图发现服务或交付物的源代码、目标代码或底层架构、概念或算法,适用法律允许的除外;(ii) 基于服务或交付物修改、翻译或创造衍生产品,或在贵方产品上体现服务或交付物中提及的个人姓名或肖像、位置、结构或其它专有资料,或复制(为归档之目的除外)、出借、出租、分配(本条款明确允许的除外)、出质、指派或以其它方式转让或妨碍对服务或交付物的权利;(iii) 使用或访问交付物或服务以建立或支持,和/或协助第三方建立或支持与我方具有竞争性的产品或服务,或使用(或允许使用)服务或交付物以生成任何向第三方出售或以其他方式提供的统计信息;(iv) 从服务或交付物中移除任何专有通知或标签,或在贵方产品上使用我方或任何第三方的商号、商标或服务标识;(v) 以任何可能损害、禁止、使过载、削弱、阻碍或干扰我方对服务、交付物的提供或我方业务的方式使用服务或交付物;(vi) 使用服务以存储或传播电脑病毒或其它有害代码;(vii) 干扰或破坏服务的完整性或性能;(viii) 制订或对照组成服务的任何内容,除非该行为为合同允许的用于贵方内部的为了贵方内部商业运营的行为;(ix) 企图未经授权访问服务或其相关系统或网络;(x) 允许以任何方式直接或间接访问或使用服务以规避合同项下的任何约束或限制。

16.12 我方有权基于首次公开的日期和/或服务平台中存储的数据量对服务中可获得的数据和交付物进行限定。在此之后,我方有权对数据和交付物进行归档,如需获取该等数据,将另行收费。

16.13 如贵方被第三方收购,贵方同意我方有权提高任何服务或交付物的应付价格,以反映可能或已经增加的对服务和交付物的使用。

17 咨询服务模块


17.1 订购单将载明采用固定收费或基于时间和资料而计费。如费用列明为固定合计金额,并不代表该等固定合计金额可保证服务的完成和交付物的交付。

17.2 如基于时间和资料计费,订购单将列明我方每位人员的日费率,该等费率基于在服务提供地于上午9点至下午5点30分内、一天工作8小时计算而得。

17.3 费用不含食宿、差旅及其它我方因提供服务而合理发生的相关费用。

17.4 我方有权按照标准日费率的25%就超出订购单所载工作时间所进行的工作按比例收取加班费。

17.5 我方将按照订购单所载间隔时间向贵方开具发票。如未列明开票的间隔时间,我方将于每月月底就当月已提供的服务和交付的交付物向贵方开具发票。

17.6 贵方负责对交付物进行检查,如有任何瑕疵,贵方应于我方提供相关交付物之日起5日内以书面形式向我方报告。就任何于我方提供相关交付物之日起5日后报告的瑕疵,不得视为我方违反合同,我方亦不承担任何责任。

17.7 如我方交付的交付物与规格不符,贵方仅有权拒绝接收该等交付物,但必须接受其它根据同一份合同交付、且符合相关规格的交付物。

18 定义

18.1 在本条款中,适用下列定义:

Flywheel Americas系指任何属于飞未公司集团一部分的、住所在美国的现有或者未来的实体
Flywheel Europe - APAC系指任何属于飞未公司集团一部分的、住所在美国以外的任何国家的现有或者未来的实体(但注册在中华人民共和国的任何实体除外);
适用的物价指数系指:(i) 在订购单上指明的、签署合同的飞未实体为Flywheel Americas成员的情况下,美国所有城市消费者消费者物价指数(所有项目);(ii) 在订购单上指明的飞未实体为Flywheel Europe - APAC成员的情况下,英国零售物价指数(RPI)(所有项目);
英国《数据保护法》系指在英国境内不时有效的所有适用的数据保护和隐私立法,包括《一般数据保护条例》((EU) 2016/679);《2018年数据保护法案》;《隐私和电子通讯令》(2002/58/EC)(及其2009/136/EC号令的更新)以及《2003年隐私和电子通讯条例》(SI 2003/2426)及其修订。

Our General Terms of Business

These General Terms of Business (“Terms”) provide the terms and conditions which will apply to everything we supply to you.

1 Process for entering into Contracts

1.1 When the parties agree terms for us to provide Services and/or Deliverables to you, we will capture those terms in writing (an “Order Form”).

1.2 Whichever is earlier of you signing an Order Form, completing an online registration form and clicking “accept” or similar assent where applicable, is your offer to purchase the Services and/or Deliverables from us on these Terms (an “Offer”). Our signing of an Order Form, sending of a confirmation email or supplying Services and/or Deliverables, (which includes any necessary preparatory work), to you in accordance with the Order Form is acceptance of your Offer (“Acceptance”) and creates a binding contract consisting of the Order Form, these Terms and any relevant Module Terms (a “Contract”).  

1.3 No other terms and conditions, (including, without limitation, your own terms, the pre-printed terms on the back of any PO, or those implied), will apply to a Contract unless we have agreed in writing.

2 Term and Termination

2.1 A Contract starts on the Start Date specified in the Order Form (the “Start Date”) and will continue until the earlier of:

2.1.1 the specific end date included in the Order Form (if any);

2.1.2 termination by notice in accordance with any specific provisions of the Order Form (if any); or

2.1.3 termination in accordance with these Terms.

2.2 Neither party is entitled to terminate, delay, suspend or vary a Contract other than in accordance with these Terms.

2.3 A party may immediately terminate a Contract by giving the other party written notice if the other party materially or repeatedly breaches the terms of that Contract, and, (where the breach(es) are capable of remedy), fails to remedy such breach(es) within 30 days of receiving written notice requesting remedy of the breach(es).

2.4 A party may immediately terminate a Contract if the other party is subject to an Insolvency Event.

3 Our warranties

3.1 We warrant that:

3.1.1 we will use reasonable skill and care in providing the Services and Deliverables;

3.1.2 the Services and Deliverables will conform to any applicable industry standard;

3.1.3 the Services and Deliverables will comply with any applicable law;

3.1.4 we will meet or exceed any service levels in the Order Form; and

3.1.5 the Services and Deliverables will conform with any specification in the Order Form (a “Specification”).

4 Fees and Payment

4.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing as part of a Contract, we may invoice you for Services and Deliverables in full and in advance.

4.2 You must pay each undisputed invoice:

4.2.1 by the date agreed in the Contract; or

4.2.2 if no such date has been agreed, within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

4.3 You are not entitled to set-off any amount we owe you against any amount you owe us.

4.4 A party may charge the other interest on any late payments. Interest accrues each day from the original due date for payment until the actual date the overdue amount is paid at a rate equal to the lesser of 1.0% per month and maximum rate permitted by applicable law.

4.5 You must reimburse us for any reasonable costs and expenses we incur in i) recovering any late payments from you. On your written request we will provide evidence of such costs and/or expenses.

4.6 We may suspend the provision of any Services or access to any Deliverables if you owe us anything, from 14 days of the date the debt became overdue.

4.7 On termination of a Contract anything you owe us in relation to the Contract will become due immediately. We may recover from you any costs we incur in collecting overdue monies from you.

4.8 Amounts payable by you in relation to a Contract are exclusive of VAT, sales, use and any similar taxes unless expressly agreed in writing as part of the Contract. If you do not pay such taxes you will be responsible for their payment to relevant authorities. We reserve the right to collect taxes and our reasonable costs of collection from you at any time, except with respect to any taxes based on our net income. In certain jurisdictions, we may be required to collect and remit sales tax in connection with your purchase of Services and Deliverables. Any such taxes will be added to the fees and reflected on your invoice.

4.9 Following the first anniversary of the Start Date, but not more than once in each year of a Contract, we may automatically increase any fees by an amount not exceeding the lower of (i) the percentage increase in the Applicable Price Index in the preceding year plus 5% and (ii) the maximum amount permitted by law.

5 Incorporation of Website Terms

Where you access Services or Deliverables via our website(s), your access (and use) will be governed by these terms in conjunction with the terms of use of that website (“Website Terms”). In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the Website Terms, these Terms will prevail and apply.

6 Intellectual property

6.1 All Intellectual Property Rights in anything we supply are our property or the property of our third-party licensors, and will not transfer to you by Contract.

6.2 We grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, non-assignable, revocable, world-wide, royalty free limited license, without the right of sub-license, to access and use the Services and Deliverables for your own internal purposes during the term of the Contract.

6.3 Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by us. To the extent that you acquire any right, title, or interest in or to any Flywheel Property (other than with respect to such limited license), you hereby assign and convey all such right, title and interest therein to us.

6.4 We acknowledge that the Customer Materials are your property and that you own all Intellectual Property Rights in and to the same.

6.5 You agree that we (including our Affiliates) may freely use any data (including the Customer Materials) which we learn, acquire or obtain in connection with the performance of a Contract to improve the quality of our services and deliverables.

6.6 We indemnify you against any loss, damages or reasonable costs you incur in connection with claims, demands, suits, or proceedings made or brought against you by a third party claiming that the Deliverables infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party (a "Claim"); provided, however, that we will not have any liability to indemnify you for a Claim to the extent the alleged infringement arises from: (i) changes to the Deliverables made at your specific written direction; (ii) your failure to use new or corrected versions of the Deliverables provided by us where you are notified that use of such new or corrected version is necessary to avoid infringement; (iii) the modification of the Deliverables by you or any third-party on your behalf other than as expressly contemplated by the Contract without our written consent; or, (iv) combination of the Deliverables with systems, materials or software other than as contemplated by  the Contract.

6.7 You must:

6.7.1 immediately give us written notice of a Claim (provided that your failure to so notify will not relieve us of our indemnification obligations hereunder except, and only to the extent, that we are prejudiced thereby);

6.7.2 give us full control of the defense and settlement of the Claim (provided that (a) you may participate in the defense at your own expense and (b) we may not settle or defend any Claim unless we unconditionally release you from all liability in relation to that Claim); and

6.7.3 provide us with all reasonable assistance in relation to the Claim at our expense.

6.8 If we believe that a Claim could prevent you from receiving or using all or any part of the relevant Services or Deliverables, we may:

6.8.1 procure the right for you to make continued use of the relevant Services and Deliverables;

6.8.2 replace or modify the Deliverables so that they become non-infringing, as the case may be; or

6.8.3 terminate the relevant Deliverables immediately on written notice to you, and refund to you any pre-payment in relation to such cancelled Deliverables.

6.9 You indemnify us against any loss, damage or reasonable costs we incur in connection with claims made or brought against us by a third party alleging that any Customer Materials infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of the third party. We must:

6.9.1 promptly give you written notice of the claim (provided, that our failure to so notify will not relieve you of your indemnification obligations hereunder except, and only to the extent, that you are prejudiced thereby);

6.9.2 give you full control of the defense and settlement of the claim (provided that (a) we may participate in the defense at our own expense and (b) you may not settle or defend the claim unless you unconditionally release us from all liability in relation to the claim); and

6.9.3 provide you with all reasonable assistance in relation to the claim at your expense.

7 Delivery and your obligation to enable our performance

7.1 You must provide us with such:

7.1.1 access to premises and facilities; and

7.1.2 information, instructions and materials

as we require from time to time to enable us to perform a Contract.

7.2 You agree that to the extent that you cause failure or delay to our performance of any obligation under a Contract, we will not be in breach, nor liable to you for any related loss.

8 Insurance

Each party must hold sufficient insurance to cover its potential liabilities under the Contract. This includes (without limitation) any insurance required by applicable law or specified on the Order Form.

9 Compliance with applicable laws including those relating to data privacy

Both parties must comply with all applicable laws in connection with the provision and use of the Services and Deliverables, including but not limited to those related to data privacy and personal data.

10 Anti-Bribery and Sanctions

10.1 Each party warrants that it will:

10.1.1 comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption;

10.1.2 put in place, comply with and maintain codes of conduct and anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies as are appropriate to meet its statutory responsibilities in this regard; and

10.1.3 promptly notify the other party of any request or demand for any undue financial or other advantage of any kind received by or on behalf of you in connection with a Contract.

10.2 We are part of an enlarged corporate group which pledges to trade legally and respect all laws including the Trade Sanctions imposed by EU and US Governments. We operate a Group Sanctions Policy which means that we cannot receive consideration from individuals or organizations based or residing in, or connected with, a country or organization which is subject to EU or US Government sanctions. We may refuse to accept an Offer from or provide Services and Deliverables to any such person or organization for any reason.

10.3 Breach by either party of these Anti-Bribery and Sanctions provisions will be a material breach of a Contract.

11 Consequences of Termination

11.1 Termination of a Contract by either party will not affect the operation of any other Contract between the parties.

11.2 Termination or expiration of a Contract, or any part thereof, will not affect the continuance in force of any provision of the Contract or the relevant constituent part which is expressly or by implication intended to survive termination.

12 Liability

12.1 Nothing in a Contract will operate to exclude or limit a party’s liability for death or personal bodily injury caused by its or its employees or subcontractors’ negligence, or for any fraudulent misrepresentation by any of the foregoing or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or restricted by law or for any breach by you of the usage restrictions in any Module.

12.2 Subject to the foregoing:

12.2.1 neither party will be liable to the other arising out of or in connection with a Contract for any of the following types of losses, damages, or expenses of any kind arising out of or in connection with that Contract;

(a) consequential;

(b) indirect;

(c) special;

(d) lost profits; *

(e) lost revenue*;

(f) lost sales*;

(g) anticipated savings; and

(h) losses, damages, or expenses arising from loss of data;

*Excludes the fees for Services agreed upon in an Order Form

12.2.2 except for any liability under any indemnity in clause 6 in relation to intellectual property, each party’s total aggregate liability to the other arising out of or in connection with a Contract will be limited to two times the amount paid and payable pursuant to the Contract; and

12.2.3 neither party will have any liability to the other party for any failure or delay in performing an obligation under a Contract because of any event beyond that party’s or its subcontractors’ reasonable control.

12.3 You are not entitled to rely on the exclusions of liability in this clause to relieve you from liability to pay monies payable to us.

12.4 Each party acknowledges that in entering into a Contract it has not relied on, and will have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty, understanding, promise or assurance (whether negligently or innocently made) of any person other than as expressly set out in the Contract.

13 Confidentiality and Data Protection

13.1 Each party will ensure that it:

13.1.1 keeps the Confidential Information confidential and does not disclose it to any third party; and

13.1.2 only uses Confidential Information in relation to the Contract,

unless otherwise permitted by these Terms.

13.2 The commitments in clause 13.1 above do not apply to any Confidential Information which was:

13.2.1 publicly available before the Start Date or subsequently becomes publicly available through no failure to comply with the Contract;

13.2.2 already known to a party or is subsequently legitimately disclosed to a party by a third party without legal restriction; or

13.2.3 developed independently by a party without use of or reliance on the Confidential Information received under the Contract.

13.3 A party may disclose the Confidential Information:

13.3.1 to its Affiliates, agents, contractors and suppliers, provided that: (a) those third parties have entered into non-disclosure agreements no less onerous than as set out in these Terms; and (b) the party disclosing Confidential Information to those third parties ensures and is liable for their compliance with these Terms; and

13.3.2 where and to the extent required by applicable law, provided prompt written notice of that requirement is given to the original discloser (where such notice is lawful).

13.4 All Confidential Information disclosed by a party or its Affiliates remains the property of the discloser. Each party must return or, if clearly instructed by the other party, destroy that received Confidential Information remaining in its or its Affiliates' possession or control, within thirty (30) days of written request from the other party. Confidential Information may be retained to the limited extent required as part of securely-held confidential records to be used only to determine and/or comply with legal obligations (including secure electronic backups of these records, which may only be used to replace the permitted records if lost or corrupted).

13.5 Both parties will comply with all the obligations imposed on an independent Data Controllers under the UK Data Protection Legislation, including prompt notification of any potential or actual breach of these obligations. Both parties will always use appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect any of the other party’s Personal Data that is held as part of the Services against loss or unauthorised use or access.  Capitalised terms used in this clause 13.5 have the meanings given in the UK Data Protection Legislation in force at the time.

14 Boilerplate

14.1 The terms and provisions of this Contract are intended solely for the benefit of each party hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and it is not the intention of the parties to confer third-party beneficiary rights upon any other person.

14.2 The documents comprising the Contract (together with any documents referred to therein or required to be entered into thereunder) contain the entire agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter of the Contract and supersede all prior agreements, understandings or arrangements (both written and oral) relating to the subject matter of the Contract.

14.3 In the event of conflict or inconsistency between the Order Form, the Module Terms and these Terms, and between any of the foregoing and a document referred to in the Contract, documents will take precedence in the order listed above.

14.4 You represent and warrant that the person executing this Contract has the authority to bind you to the terms hereof. You will require any employee, contractor or agent who accesses the Services or Deliverables to adhere to the relevant terms of the Contract.

14.5 Notices required under Contract will be sent by email to the relevant party’s address on the Order Form or as otherwise agreed in writing for such purpose. Notice by email is deemed effective three hours from transmission.

14.6 The parties acknowledge and agree that our communication may be electronic, and that any communications sent electronically comply with any legal or contractual requirement that such communication be made in writing.

14.7 We may assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer to any Affiliate the benefit of any of our rights under the Contract if we give you reasonable prior written notice. We may sub-contract our performance of any obligation under a Contract to any of our Affiliates without notice. This will not affect our performance obligations, nor liability to you in relation to the Contract. We will be responsible for any violation of our obligations hereunder by any such sub-contractor. Otherwise, neither party may assign, sub-license, subcontract or otherwise transfer to any third party any of its rights or obligations under the Contract without the other party’s prior written consent.

14.8 If any provision of the Contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that portion will be construed in a manner consistent with the applicable law to reflect, as nearly as possible, the original intentions of the parties, and the remainder of the Contract will remain valid and enforceable.

14.9 Any translations of the Contract from English are provided merely for convenience and will not be legally binding. In the event of any conflict between the English language version and any translations, the English version will prevail.

14.10 Where these Terms use the words ‘include’ and ‘including’, these are illustrative and not limiting.

14.11 The Contract will not create, nor will it be construed as creating, any partnership or agency relationship between the parties.

14.12 Each party will comply with all applicable laws and government regulations which apply to a Contract.

14.13 Nothing in a Contract will require either party to do or omit to do anything which would contravene any applicable laws or government regulations.

15  Law and Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial

15.1 Where the Flywheel contracting entity (as identified on the relevant Order Form) is a member of Flywheel Europe – APAC, unless otherwise set out in clause 15.3 of these Terms below;

15.1.1 the Contract will be governed by and construed with the laws of England and Wales; and

15.1.2 the courts of England and Wales will be the exclusive venue for all disputes between the parties arising out of or in connection with this Contract and the parties hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of, and waive any objections to venue in, such courts.

15.2 Where the Flywheel contracting entity (as identified on the relevant Order Form) is a member of Flywheel Americas;

15.2.1 the Contract will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without regard to its conflict of laws rules;

15.2.2 the state and federal courts located in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, New York, will be the exclusive venue for any and all disputes between the parties arising out of or in connection with the Contract and the parties hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of, and waive any objections to venue in, such courts; and


15.3 Where the Flywheel contracting entity (as identified on the relevant Order Form) is registered in the People’s Republic of China and you are registered in the People’s Republic of China;

15.3.1 the Contract will be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China; and

15.3.2 any dispute arising out of or relating the Contract shall be referred to, and finally settled by, arbitration in Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission/Shanghai International Arbitration Centre.

15.4 This choice of law and jurisdiction does not prevent either party from seeking injunctive relief in any appropriate jurisdiction with respect to violation of Intellectual Property Rights.


16 Digital Services Module

Where, as part of a Contract, we provide digital services or deliverables, as noted on the relevant Order Form, the following additional terms will apply to the Contract.

16.1 The Contract will commence on the Start Date and (subject to early termination in accordance with these Terms) continue for the initial period set out on the Order Form (the “Initial Period”). Unless a party provides not less than 90 days’ written notice to the other that it does not want the Contract to renew, the Contract will automatically extend for a period equivalent to the Initial Period on expiry of the Initial Period and each subsequent anniversary of the expiry of the Initial Period. This will not prevent early termination in accordance with these Terms.

16.2 Your access to and use of the Services is restricted to your employees and individual contractors (i.e. natural persons) (collectively, the “Users”), and permitted for your internal business operations only.  You may not designate any other individuals (including employees and individual contractors of your Affiliates) as Users.  You agree not to permit any third-party to access the Services except as expressly authorized in a separate Third-Party Access Agreement provided by us. We will issue usernames and personal passwords to authorize acceptable Users to use the Services. Each username and User access is unique. The User must keep the password confidential and must not share or permit access to the Services by any other person. You must immediately notify us of any User who ceases to be your employee or full-time contractor or who is otherwise no longer to be permitted access to the Services for whatever reason and such User’s username and password will be deactivated. You are responsible for ensuring User compliance with this Contract and accept responsibility and liability for the acts and omissions of your Users.  

16.3 Your digital services may be subject to a set-up period during which you may not have access, or may have limited access, to the Services after commencement of the Contract.  The length of this set-up period may vary depending on the customization of the Services requested and your delivery of any required Customer Materials.

16.4 We make no representations or warranties regarding the reliability, availability, timeliness, suitability, accuracy or completeness of the Services and Deliverables or the results that you may obtain by using them.  

16.5 We do not represent or warrant that:

a) the operation or use of the Services or Deliverables will be timely, uninterrupted or error-free;

b) the quality of the Services or Deliverables will meet your requirements; or

c) the Services or Deliverables will function properly in combination with any third party-services, technology, hardware, software, systems or data.

16.6 You acknowledge that the Services and Deliverables may be subject to limitations, delays, loss or corruption of information and other problems inherent in the use of electronic communications facilities.

16.7 Except where expressly provided otherwise, the Services and Deliverables are provided on an "as is" basis.  You are solely responsible for ensuring that the Services and Deliverables are appropriate and suitable for your needs and that the assumptions (if any) set out in the Order Form are accurate.  

16.8 You agree that neither the Services or Deliverables are advice or recommendations from us and you must not rely on them to make decisions.

16.9 From time to time, we may:

a) temporarily suspend for the purpose of emergency repair, maintenance or improvement, all or part of any Services or Deliverables without notice;

b) temporarily suspend all or part of any Services or Deliverables for scheduled support and maintenance by providing notifications and giving reasonable notice of such suspensions;

c) suspend all or part of any Services or Deliverables without notice if we believe that you have breached a Contract; and

d) vary the Specification for operational or any other reason, provided that there is no material detriment to the operation of such Services or Deliverables.

16.10 We reserve the right at any time and from time to time to modify, temporarily or permanently, any Services or Deliverables or any component or feature thereof. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any such modification of the Services or Deliverables if there is no material detriment to their operation.

16.11 Except where expressly provided otherwise, and without limiting your obligations elsewhere in the Contract, you will not disclose, provide, resell or otherwise make available the Services or Deliverables to any third-party, including (without limitation) any retailer, data provider, or manufacturer, unless expressly authorized by us in a separate written agreement.  You further agree that you will not, directly or indirectly: (i) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code, object code or underlying structure, ideas or algorithms of the Services or Deliverables except as permitted by applicable law; (ii) modify, translate, or create derivative works based on the Services or Deliverables, or incorporate names or likenesses of individuals, locations, structures or other proprietary material referred to in the Services or Deliverables in or on your products, or copy (except for archival purposes), rent, lease, distribute (except as expressly permitted herein), pledge, assign, or otherwise transfer or encumber rights to the Services or Deliverables; (iii) use or access the Deliverables or Services to build or support, and/or assist a third party in building or supporting, products or services competitive to us, or use (or permit the use of) the Services or Deliverables to generate any statistical information which is sold or otherwise made available to any third party; (iv) remove any proprietary notices or labels from the Services or Deliverables or use our or any third party’s trade names, trademarks or service marks in or on your products; (v) use the Services or Deliverables in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, impair, obstruct or otherwise interfere with our provision of the Services, the Deliverables or our business; (vi) use the Services to store or transmit computer viruses or other harmful code; (vii) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Services; (viii)  frame or mirror any content forming part of the Services, other than on Customer’s own intranet for Customer’s internal business operations as permitted under the Contract; (ix) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or its related systems or networks; or (x) permit direct or indirect access to or use of the Services in any manner that circumvents any restrictions or limitations under the Contract.

16.12 You may provide pictorial works included within the Services or Deliverables to your suppliers, vendors, independent contractors and consultants for the sole purpose of aiding you in connection with your product design, development, inspiration, research and manufacturing requirements only.  You must ensure that any third parties who access pictorial works in this way comply with the usage restrictions set out in this Contract and you accept responsibility and liability for the acts and omissions of those third parties.

16.13 With respect to digital content within our “Design Library” or “Design Resources”, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, limited licence to do the following:

a) view, download and print such content;

b) create derivative works using pictorial works included in such content; and

c) use those derivative works on or in your products.

16.14 This license is granted for your internal research, product design, development, inspiration and manufacturing purposes only.  Where you are an educational institution, this license is granted for your non-commercial, educational use only.

16.15 We may limit the data and deliverables that are available on the Services based on either or both of (i) the date of first publication or (ii) the amount of data stored on the Services platform.  Thereafter, we may archive the data and deliverables in which case the data may be available via an extract for an additional fee.

16.16 If you are acquired by a third party, you agree that we may increase the fees payable for any Services or Deliverables to reflect potential or actual increased usage of Services and Deliverables.

17 Consultancy Services Module

Where, as part of a Contract, we provide consultancy services or deliverables, as noted on the relevant Order Form, the following additional terms will apply to the Contract.

17.1 The Order Form will specify whether the fees are fixed or are calculated on a time and materials basis. If fees are stated as a fixed total amount, that is not a guarantee that the Services will be completed and Deliverables will be delivered for that amount.  

17.2 Where fees are calculated on a time and materials basis, the Order Form will show our daily rate for each individual person. Daily rates are calculated based on an eight-hour day worked between the hours of 8am to 6pm in the jurisdiction in which the Services are performed.

17.3 The fees exclude hotel, subsistence, travel and other ancillary expenses reasonably incurred by us in our provision of the Services.

17.4 We are entitled to charge an overtime rate of 25% of the standard daily fee rate on a pro-rata basis for any time worked outside the hours specified in the Order Form.

17.5 We will invoice you for the fees at the intervals specified on the Order Form. If no intervals are specified, we will invoice you at the end of each month for Services performed and Deliverables delivered during that month.

17.6 You are responsible for inspecting the Deliverables and any defect must be reported to us in writing within 30 days of our provision of the relevant Deliverable(s). We will not be in breach of a Contract nor liable to you for any defect in Deliverables which are reported after 30 days after they have been provided to you.

17.7 If we deliver Deliverables which do not comply with a Specification, you may refuse to take delivery of those Deliverables only, but you must accept any other Deliverables delivered pursuant to the same Contract which do comply with the relevant Specification.

18 Definitions

18.1 In these Terms the following definitions apply:

Affiliatesmeans any entity controlled by a party or under a party’s common control, where “control” means: direct or indirect ownership, in an entity of 50% or more of the voting rights conferred by all the issued shares or equity interests in the capital of that entity; or the power to determine directly or indirectly the composition of the majority of the board of directors, similar management body or direct the management of such entity;
Flywheel, we, us, ourmeans the member of the Flywheel group of companies identified on the Order Form;
Flywheel Americasmeans any current or future entity which is part of the Flywheel Group of companies that is domiciled in the United States;
Flywheel Europe – APACmeans any current or future entity which is part of the Flywheel Group companies that is domiciled in a country other than the United States, (with the exception of any entity registered in the People’s Republic of China);
Flywheel Propertymeans the Services, the Deliverables (including, without limitation, all derivatives or improvements), any patents, processes, software, code, files, technology, templates, forms, scripting, trade secrets, products, reports, ideas, concepts, operations, plans or intentions, know-how, market opportunities, customers, business affairs, development plans and financial information, any suggestions, information, enhancements, requests, feedback, recommendations or other input provided by any party relating to the Services or Deliverables, and any other items we create in relation to our performance of our obligations pursuant to a Contract;
Applicable Price Indexmeans:(i) where the contracting Flywheel entity as identified on the Order Form is a member of Flywheel Americas, the Consumer Price Index, all Urban Customers, United States, All Items rate; and, (ii) where the Flywheel entity as identified on the Order Form is a member of Flywheel Europe – APAC, the UK Retail Price Index (RPI) All Items rate;
Confidential Informationmeans any information, disclosed by a party to the other party, in relation to a Contract, which is designated as confidential, commercially sensitive, or confidential in nature
Customer Materialsmeans anything you provide to us to enable us to perform our obligations pursuant to a Contract;
Deliverablesmeans the deliverables described in an Order Form;
Eventmeans the event organized and provided by us as set out in the Order Form or Registration form.;
Insolvency Eventmeans a situation where a party cannot pay its debts as they fall due, has a petition for winding up or an administration order presented against it or passes a resolution for winding up or calls any meeting of its creditors or proposes to make any arrangement with its creditors, has a receiver (administrative or otherwise) or an administrator appointed over all or any part of its business or assets, or goes into liquidation or any event having a similar effect to any of the foregoing applies to a party under the laws of any jurisdiction ;
Intellectual Property Rightsmeans patents, rights to inventions, copyright and related rights, moral rights, trademarks and service marks, trade names and domain names, rights to goodwill or to sue for passing off or unfair competition, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database rights, rights in confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets) and any other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications (or rights to apply) for, and renewals or extensions of, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world;
Module Termsmeans terms specific to the Services and/or Deliverables you have ordered from us, which are set out below;
Servicesmeans the services described in the Order Form; and
UK Data Protection Legislationmeans all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679); the Data Protection Act 2018; the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC (as updated by Directive 2009/136/EC) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) as amended.